High Volume vs Low Volume 3D Printing – What’s the Difference?

July 19, 2022

High Volume vs Low Volume 3D Printing – What’s the Difference?

3D printing has become one of the most exciting technologies of the 21st century. It has revolutionized the manufacturing industry by making production faster, cheaper, and more efficient. With 3D printing technology, businesses of all sizes can produce parts and prototypes with less effort and at a lower cost.

However, when it comes to 3D printing, there are two terms that people often hear: high volume and low volume 3D printing. People new to the 3D printing world may wonder what the difference is between these terms.

This blog post aims to provide an unbiased comparison between high volume and low volume 3D printing to help users understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.

High Volume 3D Printing

High volume 3D printing refers to the process of creating a large number of parts or products with 3D printing technology. This process is achieved by using 3D printers that can print at high speeds with higher quality finishes, which helps to reduce production time and costs.

Some of the key benefits of high volume 3D printing include:

  • Reduced production time: With high volume 3D printing, businesses can produce a large number of parts or prototypes within a shorter period of time than traditional manufacturing methods.
  • Economies of scale: High volume 3D printing can help businesses save on production costs by producing parts in larger quantities.
  • Customization: With high volume 3D printing, businesses can produce customized parts or prototypes for a larger group of people or market segments.

However, there are some downsides to high volume 3D printing, including:

  • Higher initial investment cost: High volume 3D printers tend to be more expensive than low volume 3D printers.
  • Quality control: As production volumes increase, maintaining consistent quality across all parts can be challenging.

Low Volume 3D Printing

Low volume 3D printing, on the other hand, is ideal for businesses that need to produce a small number of parts or prototypes. Low volume 3D printing is a slower process but is still cheaper than traditional manufacturing methods.

Some of the benefits of low volume 3D printing include:

  • Flexibility: Low volume 3D printing provides businesses with the ability to produce parts or prototypes on demand, making it easier to respond to changes in market demand or customer requirements.
  • Reduced initial investment cost: Low volume 3D printers tend to be less expensive than high volume 3D printers.
  • High-quality finishes: Though the process may be a bit slower, low volume 3D printing can produce a more polished and finished product.

Of course, there are some disadvantages to low volume 3D printing, including:

  • Higher unit cost: As production volumes decrease, the cost per unit increases, making it more expensive to produce parts in smaller quantities.
  • Longer production time: Low volume 3D printing can be a slower process than high volume 3D printing, which may not be suitable for businesses with tight production schedules.


In conclusion, both high volume and low volume 3D printing have their benefits and disadvantages. The choice of which type of 3D printing process to use will depend on the specific needs of each business, including production volumes, quality requirements, turnaround times, and budget constraints.

Ultimately, businesses that need to produce high volumes of parts or prototypes within a short amount of time will likely benefit from high volume 3D printing, while those who need to produce smaller quantities of parts or prototypes with a more polished finish may benefit from low volume 3D printing.


  1. All3DP. 2022. High Volume vs. Low Volume 3D Printing.
  2. Globallers. 2022. High Volume VS Low Volume 3D Printing Which is Right for You?

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